Code of conduct

We strive to make the OETCs safe and happy places where everyone can thrive. Therefore, it is important that everybody behaves conscientiously and understands their personal responsibilities in relation to the safety and enjoyment of themselves and others.

We expect everyone to :

Participate – I will take part in and try my best on activities.

Be open – I will be open to new activities and try new things.

Be Safe – I will listen to and keep all safety instructions.

Voice an opinion – I will join in conversations and discussions and say my piece.

Be Respectful – I will treat others with respect at all times.

Be Responsible – I will take responsibility for my own actions and behaviour. I will also take responsibility for any equipment I am given.

Be Helpful and ask for help – I will help out when asked and I will ask for help if needed. 

Be inclusive – I will make it a point to include someone who may be easily left out.

Stand up – I will stand up with anyone being treated unfairly.      

No Phones on Activities – we can’t be responsible for any loss or damage.

No Alcohol, Drugs or Smoking  – I will not bring alcohol or drugs to or smoke at the OETCs’ .


If you have any questions relating to the information above, please talk to a member of the OETC Teams.