Children in fifth and sixth class will love a half day on the seashore learning about the many different animals and plants that they will find there. How they move, what they eat and how they survive the unique conditions of the seashore. Combine this with a half day learning about maps through orienteering to get a fun filled educational day out in the fresh air.

Sample programme A

AM: Study the Seashore habitat (2hrs)

Lunch: Bring your own packed lunch

PM: Orienteering or Burren walk (2hrs)

           OR discover the amazing landscape of the Burren at Mullach Mor:

Sample programme B

Full day Burren study exploring the spectacular limestone landscape and flowers at Mullach Mor.

 *Both programmes are available for €16 perstudent.

 *Emphasis is on hands on experience, learning by investigating using a variety of equipment, data collection and worksheets that encourage students to work as scientists.

*Understanding maps and good outdoor exercise

*Compliments the science and P/E section of the new primary curriculum.

*Options available for 1st/2ndclass upwards, all year round.

*Flexible programme can be scheduled to fit into the school day or can be taken as a half day option.